Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"What a Difference a Day Makes..."

Today has been so much better than the rest of my days in Vienna. Maybe it's the fact that the sun finally came out today. Or that I finally was able to go to a few museums. I don't know. The day has just had a general happiness about it.
I went to the Freud Museum this morning. Very interesting. They had a special exhibit up called "Couch" - all about the idea of the couch and how it has effected art and psychiatry. I wish I had a couch that cool in my apartment.
For lunch I allowe d myself to eat out - I went back to the Naschtmarkt (the big main market) where there are a bunch of cafes and found a place called "S' Wiener Naschmarkt Beisl" that served wiener schnitzel. I can't wait to upload the pictures - they are priceless. I ate the whole thing and the old man at the table next to me laughed so hard when I finally took the last bite. It was huge, even by Texas standards.
After lunch I wandered over to the Museum Quartier and went to the Modern. I wanted to go to the Leopold Museum too, but it is closed on Tuesdays :-(. Once again I was thwarted by a Viennese schedule. But the Modern was very cool, and I enjoyed having the extra time to chill out in the courtyard on the crazy benches (see pictures once they're up).
Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed Maria and Diego (the couple from Argentina) got in from their final night of wandering about town. Apparently they were able to get into the Vienna Opera for 2.50€ each. They said they went to try to get a tour and found out that if you wait in line about an hour before the performance, they give away standing room only tickets. I looked at the schedule for the Vienna Opera and Madame Butterfly is on tonight! I think I'm going to try to go with a couple of the other girls at the hostel. We'll see what happens.
In any case, I'm heading to Salzburg in the morning. I'll be there about a week because I have to take care of my visa stuff for Russia. I might venture out into the mountains, get away from the city for a while. I need a break from all this running around. I'm glad that my final day in Vienna turned out to be so enjoyable. I would have hated to leave feeling like I hadn't had a good time.

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