Sunday, November 07, 2010


It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm sitting in a smoothie shop in Osu, eating a chicken wrap with ranch dressing, drinking a berry-flavored smoothie, and using the free wireless. Am I really still in Ghana?
Yes, if only for a few more days. Tomorrow morning I start the COS, or Close of Service, process. It's going to be three days of unpleasant medical procedures, frustrating dealings with the admin unit, and meetings with various PC staff. I don't fly out until Thursday evening, but everything has to be done by the end of the day on Wednesday as Thursday is a U.S. holiday.
The last few months have gone by so quickly that I haven't had time to stop and reflect. Despite the problems I had in the last six months of my service, everything at site wrapped up rather nicely. I finished the rainwater collection system, the world map mural on the school building, and the wheelchair ramp at the junior high. I left Fufulso feeling good about the work I've done and hope that I'll be able to make it back to Northern Ghana someday soon.
Like I said, my flight leaves Thursday evening. I'll fly to Washington, then a few hours later fly to St. Louis via Chicago. From there, I'll go to visit the Leonards in Carbondale, then back up to St. Louis for a few days. I'm planning to drive down to Dallas on the 17th, and will be there until the 21st, when I drive down to Austin.
It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks. I can't wait!