Monday, April 16, 2007

Oozeball and other shenanigans

I think that it would be safe to say that this weekend was a bit of a fiasco. First, there is the pressure of looming finals. Though I have no tests to take as usual, I have a lot of final projects - and they're all due this week. Of course I didn't get any work done - I was too busy. Friday saw me playing in the annual oozeball (mud volleyball) tournament with the AModestProposal team. We kicked ass for the first two matches, but were swiftly eliminated in the next two. I think it was a combination of fatigue and teammates leaving to go work on DI.

Oh, DI. What a nightmare. We've been down as the hosts of the Texas State Destination Imagination tournament for a good portion of the last year, and Gina went through a number of channels to insure that we would have sufficient space to do so. Yet things seemed to fall apart this week. For some reason, the powers that be decided to double (and sometimes) triple book a bunch of our rooms, so that by Thursday night we no longer had SOM for Instant Challenges, but the Classroom Buildings (for a visualization of how disasterous this is, see the pictures of campus on flickr). Then, we found out on Friday evening that the stage of the Performance Hall is too small - so that competition site was moved to the Art Barn. What?! Hyper kids and their overly-competitive parents + six-foot-tall photographs hung with binder clips = a really bad idea. I have no idea how that worked out - I've been too afraid to look. But after all that happened in the student union ($20,000 worth of damage apparently), I don't really want to.
Add to that the tornado warning during registration and the all the high pitched squealing, and I'm ready to go into hiding for a couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, I still have to drive through these next two weeks. It will all be over soon.
At least the bike rides have been going well. Did 40 this Sunday with no trouble, though I think my ride buddies are backing out for this weekend's "Cruisin' de Hood" metric century. At least I'll get to hang out with Granny G at the finish line...

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