Sunday, February 03, 2008

The long awaited blog entry

Those of you who actually read my blog may have noticed a sizable gap between my last blog entry and this one. The explanation is both simple and complicated. Simple in that I simply don't want to talk about all the shit that's gone down in the past few weeks and complicated in that the shit that has gone down has not been of the sort that is easily explained in a blog entry. To sum things up - people are assholes.
Let's just leave it at that.
That being said, I'd like to think that I've had a good weekend. I finally convinced myself that three weeks of coughing is enough and went to the doctor. Thanks to some amazing antibiotics, I am now over the allergy-induced bronchitis and am able to go about business as usual. Though I had been planning a trip to Big Bend since October, in the past week all the friends who were to join me found a way to cancel on me. I'm not rich by any means; there's no way I can justify driving to Big Bend by myself for a long weekend. I should have been depressed by this development, and I was until I saw my email on Tuesday. As it turned out, my favorite singer-songwriter, Terri Hendrix, was coming through Dallas on Friday night. I bought myself a ticket and went to see her show at Bend Studio (if you haven't been to a show there, you should go - I finally had a chance to thank my rock star friend for the fabulous shirt she sent...

If any of you want to know what's been going on in the past few weeks, you know my number. I've had enough and am ready to move on. If things go as planned my next blog entry should have something to do with my peace corps placement....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

searching for same blog engine